Medicare Supplemental Plans

Medicare Supplemental insurance plans are designed to work with Medicare. It fills in the “gaps” in Medicare, allowing you to avoid out-of-pocket costs at the doctor or hospital. These plans are sold by private insurance companies and are Federally-standardized. Each company is required to offer coverage off of the Medicare coverage chart.

Before you can understand the coverage supplemental plans offer and compare the options, it may be helpful to understand some basics about Medicare.

Medicare Coverage Briefly Explained – What are the Parts of Medicare and What Do They Cover?

Medicare itself has four parts. “Original” Medicare is comprised of Medicare Parts A & B. You must have both A & B to have any type of Medicare supplemental plan. For a full explanation of the parts of Medicare, refer to our Understanding Medicare page.

Medicare does provide relatively comprehensive coverage. If you have ONLY Medicare Parts A & B, you will be covered for most things at 80%. However, it’s the other 20% that causes individuals like you to consider Medicare Supplemental insurance. This 20% “gap” in Medicare is unlimited. In other words, there is no “cap” on your out of pocket expenses. So if you have a procedure or service that costs in the hundreds of thousands of dollars, which is entirely possible, then you would owe 20% of that, if you have only Medicare. This is why the majority of people believe additional insurance is necessary.

Medigap Coverage Chart

You can view the standardized chart here: Medigap Coverage chart. All companies are required to go by this chart. It allows you to compare “apples to apples” when comparing Medicare supplemental insurance.

In this chart, there are several terms that you may or may not be familiar with. If you have questions about these terms, please contact us and we can help you understand the differences in the standardized plans.

Medicare Supplemental Insurance Plans

The chart above shows the general outline for what each supplemental plan covers. To get further assistance on understanding what the plans cover, you can also visit the plan-specific pages below. Or, if you prefer, you can contact us for more information.

Top 10 List – The Top Things You Must Know about Medicare Supplemental Insurance